From!brsysop Mon Sep 18 15:05:55 1995 remote from Mailbox Received: by for Received: by (/\==/\ Smail3.1.28.1 #28.5) id ; Mon, 18 Sep 95 15:05 CDT Received: by localhost from (router,ZedNet(SMTP) -Win32- V1.07beta1.8a); Mon, 18 Sep 1995 15:10:18 Received: from ZEDSOFT by ( daemon,ZedNet(SMTP) -Win32- V1.07beta1.8a); Mon, 18 Sep 1995 15:10:13 X-Sender: brsysop X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Version 1.4.4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" To: Portico suggestions and technical support From: brsysop Subject: ZedNet products Cc:,, Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 15:10:18 Message-Id: <> REPLY-TO: ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ To all ZedNet owners and General public: If you log on to Cyberspace you will notice that we have lowered the price of ZedNet, and changed the name. The ZedNet products are now sold separtely instead of all under one name. All people who have bought ZedNet will get the other products under their orignal purchase. If your purchased ZedNet for $395.00 you will get: 1) ZedNet(SMTP) 2) ZedNet(NNTP) -- A full NNTP server and client. (supported in Portico(tm) ) 3) A registration code to make the SMTP and NNTP client features enabled in the host DLL of Portico(tm) (THATS RIGHT, Portico(tm) will support SMTP & NNTP live mail and news...obviously you must purchase the server SMTP and/or NNTP dameons for the live mail and news features to be enabled in your version of Portico(tm) ). Also included is the stand alone ZedNet(SMTP) Excalibur DLLs for sending/receiving live Internet mail. Most people will choose to use Portico(tm)...its just NICER. 4) ZedSock -- don't ask, but its coming soon to a Cyberspace near you! Please note that the above deal only applies to purchasers of ZedNet prior to 9/17/95, or those who paid $395.00. Now if you are not one of the original ZedNet customers and are looking to open your Excalibur BBS to LIVE mail and news, then you need to purchase some or all of the following, depending on your needs: 1)Portico(tm) -- $89.00 2)ZedNet(SMTP) -- $149.00 3)ZedNet(NNTP) -- $149.00 Any questions about the above can be sent to: Also, the upcoming MAJOR new release of Portico(tm) WILL support the above. These are not 'planned' features, but features already working, but just being tested and debugged. So get your copy(s) of Portico(tm) and ZedNet server daemons today. (Offer valid while supplies last) (hehe) Jack McMorris Zed Software